Latest News

  • The real costs of Cost of Living

    The real costs of Cost of Living

    Over the past 12 months, we have experienced exponential growth in demand for our service. The alarming situation caused by the current financial crisis left many people unable to support themselves and their families. Unable to recover from the pandemic which disproportionally impacted minoritised groups, our communities were coming to the crisis weakened. Many residents…

  • Celebrating ibaa 4th Anniversary

    Celebrating ibaa 4th Anniversary

    It is hard to believe that it’s been 4 years and 1 day since Islington BAMER Advice Alliance joined the club of Islington’s rich and diverse community and voluntary sector. And boy, have we grown since! In June 2019, we were just 6 BAMER-led community organisations with a vision to do things differently. We wanted…

  • Latest Six-monthly Monitoring Outcomes

    Latest Six-monthly Monitoring Outcomes

    Latest Six-monthly Monitoring Outcomes IBAA Supports nearly 3000 individuals in just 6 months  Over the past 6 months, we have supported a whopping 2748 individuals marking an increase of 47%. We are so pleased we were able to help so many people! This is especially amazing considering 5 of our amazing advisors continue to work only 2 days a…

  • AGM 2023 Success!

    AGM 2023 Success!

    AGM 2023 Success! Despite some travel disruptions, we had a great time yesterday and we want to thank you all for coming together to celebrate IBAA and the achievement of our organisations, our advice workers and our volunteers.  We elected a new Board of Trustees, outlined the details of our Business Plan and Membership Prospectus,…

  • IBAA’s AGM Announced!

    IBAA’s AGM Announced!

    IBAA’s AGM Announced! Over the past few months, IBAA has been growing and glowing! It’s been a journey full of challenges and opportunities, from the Covid Pandemic to the Cost of Living Crisis. As we look back on the past year and set a tone for the months ahead, we want to share this milestone…

  • Turkiye Syria Earthquake

    Turkiye Syria Earthquake

    Turkiye Syria Earthquake Our hearts and minds are with people from Syria and Turkey affected by the devastating earthquake that stroke the region on Monday 6th February 2023. While we call on the international community and the UK government to come together and mobilise in support, we are also evaluating how we can help and…

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